Unlike a wizard, a sorcerer is born with magical powers. At Laii Sorcerer, we believe in magic. However, it's not the magic that you learn from spell books and other magicians. It is certainly not the 'sleight of hand' magic either. Magic for us is the tremendous source of energy that each one of us is born with. It is the force that keeps us going, inspires us to greet each new day with gusto, and empowers us to accept and overcome challenges. And last but not the least, it is the magic of love.


Angel Therapy

Angel Therapy is an alternative form of therapy that involves working with Guardian Angels and Archangels. It is NOT based on any religion.Every religion or religious books around the world have confirmed that the human being in one of God's most special creations. That's why we have a unique support system for us in the omnipresent realm. This
support system is comprised of guiding angels.

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Angel Card Reading

Angel Card Reading involves
different decks of Angel Cards that enable the reader to answer the client's questions about his or her life. The client should be 18 years or above. Generally card readings are for someone who is facing certain problem in life. But it can also be used to gain guidance, assurance or suggestions on the best course of action. It is not be construed as prediction but rather as a helping hand.

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Your car might be the latest model and be fully-loaded with amenities, a slight twitch in its wheel alignment is enough to throw it off the track. Similarly in your life your body and mind might be focussed on a certain goal but your spirity might be on a different frequency and it would have a serious impact on you. 

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Family Constellation

Every individual is different. Ergo, every family, which is made up of individuals is different. Yet there is an underlying thread of relationship, kinship and love that keep these individuals together. Family Constellation is an unconventional and effective technique to uncover the hidden dynamics of a family. And whatever you unearth then becomes the starting point for your healing process.

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Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is a healing technique that makes use of hypnosis to help the person retrieve memories from his past lives. It is generally useful for people who are facing undesirable situations in a loop or have noticed some kind of recurring patterns in their present life. 

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Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Therapy is also called Inner Child Healing or Coaching. It involves going back to the issues you faced as a child. In the Laii Sorcerer Inner Child Healing Workshop, I follow the tenets of Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life. Hay says that there is a child within each of us who needs love and acceptance. 

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Reiki is one of the oldest forms of alternative therapies known to mankind. Being the daughter of the first Reiki masters in India, Dr Shamal Durve and Mr Pradeep Durve, I have been practising Reiki since my teenage years. As a child, I was at the receiving end of Reiki healing because of my parents.

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Diana Cooper defines Unicorns as ‘magnificent, magical ascended horses with beautiful golden horns that radiate high vibrational energies that help to raise our own energies and give healing, wisdom and knowledge at a soul level.’

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Vortex Healing

VortexHealing helps us shed our false identities and internalise the idea of oneness in your body, mind, emotions and your sense of spirituality. It leads to an awakening of this oneness, this wholeness, and the experience of knowing the Divine Source.

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