Spiritualists believe that human beings are born with unresolved and unhealed issues. In fact these issues are the real reason for our birth. They are a kind of baggage that each one of us has to bear. There are ways in which we can lessen the weight of this baggage, or even shed it, and yet instead of finding the right way to do so, we keep on piling more weight onto this baggage and lug it around endlessly. We get caught in our own vicious cycle.
The Universe, Nature, Divine or Universal Consciousness, whatever you wish to call it, has been attempting to help us to address these unhealed parts of our consciousness. However, we have been ignoring the signs and are being willfully stubborn in breaking this cycle. This push-and-pull with Divine Consciousness has been spanning for eons. Just like a school teacher boxing the ears of an errant child, the Universe decided to pull us
by our ear so that we could listen to her warnings. And she chose the year 2020 to box humanity’s ears!
We who are alive and are witnessing this transformation in 2020 are lucky to learn wisdom from Nature. It is indeed time to listen to what the Universe trying to convey us. All of us have been learning some hard lessons throughout the year and the month of December is the month for our final assessment. A grand finale, if you will! Along with the joys of winters and Christmas, we have several astrological changes, realisations, completion of incomplete jobs and healing to undergo.
All of us have experienced the unhealed parts within us during this year. Our social life, careers, relationships, academic performance, finances, love life and inner self have witnessed drastic changes. In one of the very limited experiences of human history, the entire world has been affected by a single phenomenon. That in itself says a lot about healing! The time to heal yourself completely is now. If you won’t do it now, there might not be another chance for you. You might have very little choice in the matter. You have already accepted the fact that change is inevitable, the ‘new normal’ is here to stay, so why not accept the idea of healing the unhealed parts and embrace the process? We can choose to heal and evolve or we can postpone it and keep asking the Universe for help. In the latter scenario, the Universe will keep showing us more and more difficult paths towards healing. Isn’t it then logical to accept the former option?
Look within, work without
Every day as you hear news from around the world, your knee jerk reaction is to look for a scapegoat to pin the blame on. For a change, look at you reflection in the mirror and try to find the answers. Instead of blaming others, ask yourself what is there to learn? What part of me still is unhealed? What part of me needs peace? Who am I angry at? Am I doing
everything with integrity? Am I choosing to forgive? Have I accepted the situations in my life? What you ask yourself, the way you ask these questions and the inferences you draw will have a major impact on the learning you imbibe from your experiences and world events.
The shift in consciousness started way back in 2012. But, did we do anything to align to it? The events of 2020 have made us sit up and notice this shift. However, no one can force us to align to it; we have to do it on our own accord.
As a guide or life coach, I clearly see that people are wounded and they need healing. They need love. It’s high time we take responsibility for the situation and choose love, humanity, integrity and wisdom.
As the dominant species of the planet we owe it to our home. We need to heal ourselves and this healing will reflect in the healing of the planet, too. Peace and beauty are an intrinsic part of Mother Nature; let us bring these qualities back to Earth and make it a beautiful home for all living beings. Let’s make this unhealed planet and peaceful loving globe which is a beautiful place for all to live.