7 Areas That Transform Over The Course Of A Lifetime

7 Areas That Transform Over The Course Of A Lifetime

Individuals, organisations, and nations alike must cope with change since it is a reality of existence. Those who can accept this reality and adapt with change will be the ones who survive. Change is inevitable, but how about describing it as transformational? Below listed are the seven areas where an individual experiences a change in the course of a lifetime.


For almost all of us, the most important facet of our lives is our relationships. Keep an eye on what’s going on and be conscious of what’s happening. It will reflect your personal adventure ahead. Be open to change in this area and be aware of it – this will help you progress in your life. Your relationship with your lover will strengthen with each transformation.


In today’s world, health is one of the most critical topics. We’ve learned a lot from the pandemic. Our thought process is greatly influenced by our mental health. Physical health serves as a mirror for our attitudes toward ourselves. We can achieve a lot of internal harmony to help us balance things out. What is your body trying to tell you? Make changes and ensure that your parameters are satisfied.


Today’s youth have just one goal: to get a job, but only if they can survive. Few people are out of survival mode and are instead stressed. Is it possible for you to decide a part of your job that you like and flow with? Alternately, combine it with something you enjoy, such as a hobby, meditation, or reading.

Flow of life

Whenever a terrible event occurs in our lives, with that incident, we begin to lose a piece of ourselves. I have made this mistake. This is done by shamans as basically shamans take you on a journey and get all your parts together.

Examine your life to identify where you are stuck. Assemble your pieces and work toward being comprehensive.

Peace and harmony within

When was the last time we experienced peace and harmony? Instead of being reliant on the outside world, work on inner tranquility. Nothing outside of you will ever have an impact on you. Internal change is essential.

Spiritual side of a human being

Humans are spiritual by nature. Simply returning to yourself in its entirety is connecting yourself with your blueprint. Here, transformation entails removing all masks you’ve worn.

Breaking karmic cycles

Countless karmic cycles are currently breaking. Relationships, ideas, beliefs, and concepts are all crucial. This is a tremendous opportunity to improve one’s life. Work on everything that is preventing you from moving forward. You are about to enter a whole new universe.

Going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and altering the way you live are all part of the transformation process. This can be accomplished via the use of your ideas, visualisation, words, faith, deeds, or a combination of techniques.

Change is inevitable

Heavy words like transformation, change, acceptance, and being in the flow are all familiar to us. But are these phrases just words to you, or do you know how to go with the flow in life? Change has always been tough for me as a youngster. It wasn’t easy for me to adjust to a new school, a new city, new friends, and a new home. Isn’t it strange? This was spoken by a light worker.

Yes, I was someone who had a hard time accepting things. I’ve never been a supporter of change, and I’ve never been able to go with the flow. So, how did I go through this transformation? With my tale, I’d want to share some insights with you. We all know that the more stubborn we get, the more we put off our personal growth in almost every aspect of our lives.

Being stubborn is a form of self-punishment. Not others . Isn’t this a new understanding? Yes, this was my understanding of letting go of stubbornness and staying open to what needed to change within and externally. I never chased after a carrier. Carrier, when I was a child, I was never sure what I wanted to do with my life. However, going in different ways where I was ready to be in the flow helped me in finding my vision (which I feel I am now following).

Only change can help you adapt to your situations, face your karma, and complete relationships in preparation for a new chapter in your life. Is this a little too philosophical for you? Allow me to explain. When you love someone, you want it to be constant, but does it? Love may evolve, but relationships will continue to reflect everything you don’t want to face again and again. So you either break up, betray, or both.

You must work on internal changes while allowing your partner to change as he or she wants. Once you’ve figured out how to balance the change inside yourself, and you’ve completed a certain amount of good work, you may either stay with your partner or decide whether it’s time for a reality check and a happy closure.

Since the last two years, I’ve observed several karmic relationships come to an end. What exactly is it? It’s a necessary change, and are you ready to close it with wisdom rather than drama? You have a choice. Once again, change in your body is inevitable… Are we truly committed to our bodies and allowing them to age gracefully, or are we torturing them even more? Appropriateness is change. And the mayor’s appropriateness is usually beautiful. Certain issues remain unanswered. As a result, accepting them with faith in your pre-birth decision is healthier for you and the universe. Let go and let God is what we call it. So a quick change of city can teach you anything. Change from being lonely to being alone may help you learn new things, and changing your clothing style can help you gain confidence.

When you allow change to happen with flow and acceptance, there is always a hidden surprise. As I always say, I never saw myself as a coach conducting retreats and helping with karmic healings while working as a dental technician.

Life will always show you the right direction. Be confident in the plans you made before you were born. With your friendship with him, God has a plan.

There will be times in your life when you feel stuck and want to try something new. At that time, the only option is to act.

Change will help you in moving forward and breaking free from the vicious cycle you are now stuck in.

Accept and cherish change.

Then you’ll be in the flow.


Existence Of Spirituality In Modern Lifestyle

spirituality and modern lifestyle

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, scientist, philosopher and teacher

Many people are intrigued by this topic because they don’t realise that spirituality is simply a natural way of living that is part of our human nature. People frequently ask me why I don’t drink alcohol or why did I give up on non-vegetarian food. Is it because you are a spiritual person? Spirituality is to a great extent affiliated with religion, and in Indian context many people around the world associate spirituality with Hinduism. Spirituality, on the contrary, has nothing to do with religion. All religions, I feel, have their own unique beauty and wisdom. 

Now to get back to my answer when I am questioned about my life choices, I no longer consume alcohol because I don’t feel the need to fill myself with toxicity since there is no void within me. Generally, but not always, when you are addicted to something, it implies that there is a vacuum or void within you. You are attempting to fill it with the addiction. Because of our conditioning, we are made to believe that this void needs to be filled. However, it only needs to be healed. 

Regarding non-vegetarian diet, I realised one day I wanted to quit it and I did so. My body didn’t sense the need for it, and I listened to what it said. I was 17 years old at the time, and I made a decision and adhered to it. Modern lifestyle has nothing against spirituality. Once you begin to align with yourself and the divinity inside and around you, you will be directed to the right actions. That is something I have experienced in life. I just made efforts to align myself, and I began to practice spirituality as a result.

There is another myth about being spiritual. It says that you can control your tears, you don’t get angry and you are all love and light. Being spiritual doesn’t mean you do not feel human emotions. What it really means is that you become more aware of your inner struggles. With all of the self-healing work and meditation that you do as you go down this path, everything within you begins to heal itself. We are always striving to heal our wounded bits for inner child, ancestral history, past life traumas, and collective consciousness baggage. So, it is certain that you will experience lows, upsets, depressed phases, rage, and a long list of other negative emotions during this process. The only difference is that you learn from your tears and don’t cry about the same thing again. At the very least, the seriousness of your frustrations is acknowledged and worked upon. That’s awe-inspiringly spiritual! 

Louis Hay, Waye Dyer, Osho, and Bert Hellinger are among my favourite personalities. Healing and acceptance are the common threads that run through them all. They have taught me how wonderfully simple life can be should one wish for it.

Once you feel yourself yearning for a simple life, you know that you have already reached a spiritual realm.