Looking at self as the centre of the Universe

Self-love is not about being selfish or self-centred. It is about prioritising yourself and treating yourself with the same love and respect that you would give others. Read on to know more about having a healthy relationship with oneself.

Wow, what an interesting topic! Throughout March and April we have explored several important relationships that a human being experiences during his/her lifetime. And now we have arrived at the most crucial relationship of all – the one with yourself. 

As we traversed through the difficult time of the pandemic and the lockdown, we faced issues around mental well-being. This in turn put the spotlight on self-love. Life coaches and light healers have always stressed the importance of self-love. It is the first step toward having a healthy relationship with one’s own self. In this blog post, we will look at this complex relationship at close quarters.

Be there for yourself

Your relationship with yourself is one that you can rely on and trust for sure. I often wonder what makes it so difficult for people to choose themselves over others. What makes them punish themselves by not prioritising their own needs? What is the obsession of sacrificing everything for someone else’s happiness? Well, I have done all of the above and made myself absolutely miserable at different stages of my life. I have always had a haloed sense of responsibility, which made me put my duty before personal happiness. Soon the word ‘duty’ was replaced by ‘people’ in my life. And everyone took precedence over me. My parents, my extended family, my friends – their needs became more urgent than mine. 

When you are travelling by air, the air hostess gives you instructions before the flight takes off. She specifically mentions that in case the oxygen levels in the cabin drops, an oxygen mask will fall from the case above and you are expected to pull it toward you and wear it. Most importantly you have to wear it yourself first before helping your child or neighbour. The logic behind this is simple – unless you are safely breathing yourself, how can you help others breathe? The concept of self-love is similar to this. You have to love and respect yourself before you can do that to others. Whatever you seek outside is already present within you. If you are complete and happy with yourself, you won’t seek attention from others or crave their company to dispel your boredom.

For you, the only person who is totally dependable is yourself, and probably the Divine (if you believe).

I have been a loner since childhood. Like any other human being, I sought the company of others to get rid of this loneliness. I tried to ‘fit in’ with others to fill this void inside me. In this process, I have allowed people to bully and insult me, to the point of ill-treating me. I let them do these things to me because I was not my priority. The day I became the centre of my own universe and realised the power of self-love, no one had the guts to ill-treat me.

Difference between self-love and ego

Self-love is not to be mistaken for ego. Self-love will help you understand your own worth and thereby realise that each human being has his/her worthiness, too. So, if you are freely insulting others under the guise of self-love, understand that it is not. You merely have an exaggerated ego. If you are using the concept of self-love to justify your selfishness and lack of respect for other relationships, this feeling won’t last long. You might end up being sad and lonely.

Just because you have understood the idea of self-love doesn’t mean you are unjust toward people. It is said that when you are in love with yourself, it is a romance for lifetime. You become compassionate towards self and others. It is a state of higher consciousness, which I have always sensed as something that comes only by healing your wounds and shedding the baggage of karma from this life and past lives.

Being my own best friend, spending time alone and priortising myself has become the way of life for me now. I am sure a lot is still in store for my relationship with myself. My dear teacher Dr Newton told me once, “Your journey is from being lonely to be alone.” I finally choose it and life is good.

Today is my father’s birthday. I dedicate this blog to my father – the first man in my life that I have looked up to with unconditional love and the one who taught me self-love and how to have a healthy relationship with myself.

What are friends for?

The ties of friendship go much deeper than blood relations. What makes us gravitate toward complete strangers and forge the best relationships of our lives with them? Read on to find out.

Friendship is a topic that’s very close to my heart. To me, maximum learning about life has come from this relationship.

What I have understood as friendship is simply a beautiful neutral relationship, which you choose for yourself. You are either born with other relationships (mother and father) or get tied up in them due to family (uncles and aunts) or are geographical in nature (neighbours). But friendship is something you start purely with the intention of establishing a connect with a particular person. It is the first relationship you make outside your social circle. I see it as an anchor that you need when you enter this world full of fixed relationships and unsaid promises.

Friendship amongst equals

Two people can be on the same or different frequencies, and yet friendship can still exist between them and even last a lifetime. But it will crumble if they are not in sync with each other.

I have seen and observed people relying on friendship more than parents, siblings and life partners. What makes this bond so important for people? Well, this is what I mean by being in sync. When two people do anything that it takes to stand and be there for one another, it is true friendship, irrespective of different frequencies and interests.

I personally have struggled with this synchronisation for my entire life. I somehow till today don’t have a friend whom I can call my best friend. Neither am I sure about anyone with whom I can speak my mind and get unconditional acceptance. That’s one area of my life that still requires work. My programming of friendship has been doing whatever it takes for your friend, but time has made me realise that it is just a one way street. I never had equal friendship.

Age, gender, income and family background don’t matter in friendship because in it you are equals. It is a beautiful experience of give and take. When you over-give, your receiving is at stake and this has been my learning. Now looking at my own case, I have always been close to older people or those elder to me. I accept that I have solid healthy boundaries with the majority of people in my life or maybe everyone with learnings related to my old programming of over-giving to friends.

Unfriending people in real life

I have had friends who didn’t bother listening to me and kept on talking. It is important to give space but it is equally important to accept and learn when you drain your energy with such people, whom you have termed as friends. They teach you about toxicity rather than friendship.

When having friends creates a situation of social survival for you, it should ring out like an alarm. It’s time for self-work. Nothing is more important than you, certainly not your so-called friends.

With Inner Child sessions I learnt to be best friends with myself. Today, I have good friends in my life with whom I can share my thoughts and feelings. When I feel as participants in a friendship, we are not equals, or the give and take is askew, I withdraw. There is no point in dragging meaningless relations in the name of friendship. Learn to choose a friend who believes in the dynamics of give and take or equality. The friends you make shows where you are in your life spiritually.

The Bond of Blood

The bond between siblings is a mysterious one. In this post, we try to unravel it and understand the undercurrents that make the relationship between siblings stronger and/or turbulent.

It is said that if you have a sibling, you will always have a friend. As idealistic as it may sound, those who have siblings know that it is not entirely true. Having a sibling also means sharing your things and space, wearing hand-me-downs, getting less of everything and constant bickering. Unlike other relationships that require initiation at your end, having a sibling
is truly a gift.

Two souls are born of the same parents and share a beautiful unspoken bond. There is an unseen flow of love between them. It may not be apparent in our day-to-day lives but when it is time to celebrating an important life event or a time of need, our sibling is perhaps the first one that we think of.

Love is never lost

According to Bert Hellinger, father of Family Constellation therapy, the sibling line gets distorted in case the couple goes through a miscarriage. It is therefore important to give each conceived child the place it deserves as per the sequence.

Love between siblings is a given yet we often see cases of extreme hatred between them. There could be long standing feuds over property and distribution of wealth. There might be even be misunderstandings over minor issues that get blown out of proportion. This happens when the dynamics between siblings is disturbed by untoward incidents.

In one’s rightful place

In earlier times, miscarriages were common as birth control was not freely available. When each conceived baby is given its due place in the sequence of birth within a family, the flow of love from one sibling to another goes unhindered. An elder brother or sister might feel the need to be a parent to the younger sibling or at the other extreme, he/she might get
insecure after the birth of the younger one. These extreme emotions will create sibling rivalry or an imbalance of power within the family’s hierarchy.

While it is a good thing for elder siblings to look after the younger ones, they should not take over the responsibilities of the parents. If each child is at his/her rightful place, such issues will not arise. The bond between siblings will grow and strengthen over time and they will rely on each other for help and healing.

As per energy dynamics, since siblings share the same parents, their bonding is quite strong and they always stand up for each other. That is not to say that they won’t have disagreements or quarrels but if their bond is strong they will always come back to each other for support and believe in facing life together.