Falling in love vs rising in love

You discover the beauty of this beautiful emotion when you fall in love, but you truly understand the healing powers of this energy source when you rise in love.

We always imagine life in a linear manner. You are born, you live through your toddler years, become a teenager, then an adult and finally an old person. Your roles in life also progress accordingly. You start at being someone’s son or daughter, become a working professional, a friend, a lover, a spouse, a parent and so on. However, when it comes to love, why do we stop at falling in love?

I totally understand why. Being in love is such a beautiful experience that in spite of all the challenges that come your way, you still prefer to be in love. The thrill of the first look or touch, the excitement of dating and chemical changes in your brain – the entire package of falling in love is so exquisite you end up accepting the tears and struggles with a smile. But what happens next?

You try to make this experience a part of your daily life by getting into a live-in relationship or by getting married. The minute love becomes an ‘everyday affair’ it loses its magic touch. How are you supposed to be in awe of your morning cuppa or the daily local commute every single day, right?

Wrong! You can keep the magic alive by not stopping at ‘being in love.’ Go on to the next step – Rise in Love. Falling in love is important in order to understand how to rise in love. This is my new understanding for today’s human race who are ready to shed their baggage and have selected this time zone to come to planet Earth.

Healing from within

Rising in love is the most beautiful and most evolved form of being in love but it’s also about where you are in your life and how much inner work you have done for your individual growth. For instance, a nature lover will not deck up her house with fresh flowers. On the contrary, she will nurture the plant on which the flower blooms and take care of it so that it continues to give beautiful flowers.

Trying to possess what you love or obsessing over it or doing anything and everything to have it, shows your wounds, hurts and unresolved issues from your past. It is said when you love someone, give them so much of freedom that they don’t feel overpowered in your grip but revel in the softness of your touch. That’s when love will be akin to bliss.

When the person you love actually feels complete freedom, you are truly rising in love. Love is energy not emotion. When it becomes an emotion, it ceases to be love and merely becomes a reflection or reminder for you to start working harder on your inner self.

We, the human race, are all wounded, but we can heal. Rising in love is the process of self healing. You may not choose to fall in love, but once in love, you can certainly choose to rise in love. Do you agree with me? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

7 things you need to know about rising in love

The dictionary defines love as an intense feeling of affection that you feel for something or someone. Grammatically, the word can be used as a noun and a verb. ‘The love of a mother’ encapsulates the purest form of the emotion and the use of the word as a noun, while ‘I love ice-cream’ celebrates this emotion in action. Like other emotions, the definition of love changes from person to person. But unlike other emotions, love remains paradoxical in nature.

Let me explain this a little more. Love is a commonly used word in our everyday lives. We use it while referring to our favourite things – be it people, food, clothes, places or books and movies. We say we love something or someone without understanding the intensity of the emotion. However, when we fall in love, we gain a different perspective.

Love redefined

Quite often, we fall in love with people to learn our lessons. Love is just an illusion in such relationships. The only way to really understand the power of true love is with freedom and by letting the other person be. If you think you are in love, here are seven things you need to know about this powerful emotion:

  1. Love is not manipulation: If you find yourself manipulating the person you love, know that it is not coming from a place of love but of insecurity.
  2. You like a person because of their qualities, and you love a person in spite of their flaws. If you can accept your partner with their flaws and vice versa, you are indeed lucky to be in love with them.
  3. Relationships require give and take. You need to maintain a balance in a relationship. But love is not dependent on such parameters. That’s why maintaining relationships based on love can be difficult.
  4. Love is the biggest mirror. It helps you to see who you truly are. And it also shows who your partner truly is. Being in love brings with it huge learnings about your own past.
  5. There is no place for comparisons in love. Comparisons involve judgements.
  6. You lose the true essence of love as soon as you try to control it. Love is freedom and acceptance.
  7. Love definitely heals but only when it stands for what it is.

True love and only love is real

When you peel the layers of your own shadow self and accept yourself for what you are…

When you heal your own wounds…

When you balance yourself from within and hold yourself…

…only then the real vibration of love can attract you towards your match.

Love between two individuals is not just an attraction, be it physical, intellectual, emotional or sexual. It is a connection between two souls without any apparent reason. Rising in love is love. But that happens only when you fall in love. Falling makes you look at your wounds and heal them. Once that happens, you rise and reach the authentic vibration of love. To sum up, love is indeed a paradox – you have to fall in love to be able to rise in love.