Self-healing, an art of inner peace

“Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.” – Mohith Agadi, author and journalist

We might hold nature accountable for the catastrophe we are facing in the world currently but evidently, nature did not create any crisis, we did. We, as humans, have damaged our mother Earth to an extent that nature is now recovering itself and asking a part of us to get healed as well. The pleasures we seek by destroying nature for our own delight call for immediate termination or else Karma has its own ways making us pay for our actions.

Likewise, I believe, there goes a similar pattern for individual healing. Our body has an incredible ability to heal itself, even if we aren’t aware of it. It is, in fact, one of the most vital body processes. Self-healing isn’t just for physical ailments and injuries. It also describes our body’s ability to heal from mental and emotional distress. However, it may require more than just a little push to get it moving. This may necessitate extreme caution in what we do and how we care for ourselves. Keep reading to know how to go about it.

Control your emotions and thoughts

We tend to pile up every good or bad episode, every second and add to our emotional baggage. Sometimes, our interpretations of certain situations make us release those emotions in the form of anger, attack others or become a victim. Stubbornness can turn quite toxic in life and will lead to no good. Instead of exploding emotions and inviting negativity, try to understand the root cause of the internal wound. You won’t be free, until you free yourself from the prison of your false thoughts.

Prioritise loving yourself

We as adults get dominated by our wounded inner child, life traumas and some with a history of unfulfilled love. Self-healing can take place out of love and not anger. Now the question is- what can we do to heal ourselves? We know that love heals, so the first step will be loving ourselves and getting deeper into the trauma we are carrying within and stop blaming ourselves. If it is an inner child issue, it can be addressed and worked on or if it’s a family matter, it can be healed, too.

Forgive and let go

Forgiveness is the most potent tool for learning to let go of our egos and make life simpler. We must learn to forgive those who have wronged us, and most importantly, we must forgive ourselves. Allow ourselves to let go and keep going forward. Forgiveness can clear the way for new happiness by opening the doors to our spirit and removing negativity.

Learn to accept

When we accept ourselves, we finally allow ourselves the freedom to pursue our goals and be who we truly are. We are hardly ourselves, we are the version of what our parents expected us to be. We are our wounds, we are our traumas, we are our pain. We are locked up in the cage of wanting to be someone we are not.

Interestingly, if we do not heal by ourselves, the universe will make us encounter the same emotions with the same or different people, once again. It’s an alarm that we should not choose to ignore. Address the vicious cycle and break the chain. I welcome you all on this path of self-discovery and realisation. Do not hesitate and be yourself.  

Journey to the Centre of the Self

Journey to the Centre of the Self

Borrowing this title from a famous Jules Verne novel, I aim to bring a certain element of awe to the discovery of your true self. Imagine readers from the 19th century eagerly awaiting the next chapter of a Verne novel in the newspaper to find out his latest creation. Would it be a submarine or a flying machine or a brand new adventure? That is the kind of excitement that I envision in the quest to find one’s true self.

Spiritual strength 

A human is born spiritual and is always spiritual. People often connect spirituality with religion. My understanding of religion is very simple. Human beings created religion to follow some norms for ease in living. Life should be lead on the path of dharm (meaning following prescribed rules of life without deviation). People go against religion or do not follow it due to its strict dictating norms because they understand religion in its conventional format. 

Spirituality essentially has nothing to do with religion but it can definitely explain religion to you in better terms.

Residents of a cosmopolitan city, such as Mumbai, are well-aware of all religions, languages, cultures and festivals. I have imbibed a lot of learning by witnessing this. I learnt this because my base was spirituality.

Finding your true self

My parents are not at all religious. They believe in one supreme power or a creator who has made us all. That’s why when I stepped into the world of spirituality, there was very little that I had to unlearn. 

Spirituality is way of life, wherein we follow a routine that nourishes our soul, keeps our mind stable and body in balance. This is my understanding. So, can a normal way of life be a problem in the practice of spirituality? It shouldn’t be so, right? But it is. We have deviated so much from our original nature as human beings and as spiritual beings that going back to a spiritual way of life seems new to us.

Becoming a spiritual being

Meditation is often regarded as the first step that you need to master on your spiritual path. Meditation is not concentration. If you are concentrating, you are not meditating. It is simply being with your soul and resting. It is a state of absolute nothingness. We are born as nothing, so meditation needs to come to us naturally. But we are conditioned to think too much and pressurise our mind to follow certain things.

When you come back to yourself, you automatically start being connected with nature and imbibing energies from nature. You don’t feel like running away anywhere as you know the entire world is your home.

Practicing different techniques is necessary right now, in order to fine tune ourselves as we have deviated from our original nature. Pranayama, meditation, yoga, reciting mantras or any other practice that connects you to yourself and the divine energy is the right technique for you.

Remember, you are spiritual just like me; you can meditate just like me; and you can smile just like me.

Looking at self as the centre of the Universe

Self-love is not about being selfish or self-centred. It is about prioritising yourself and treating yourself with the same love and respect that you would give others. Read on to know more about having a healthy relationship with oneself.

Wow, what an interesting topic! Throughout March and April we have explored several important relationships that a human being experiences during his/her lifetime. And now we have arrived at the most crucial relationship of all – the one with yourself. 

As we traversed through the difficult time of the pandemic and the lockdown, we faced issues around mental well-being. This in turn put the spotlight on self-love. Life coaches and light healers have always stressed the importance of self-love. It is the first step toward having a healthy relationship with one’s own self. In this blog post, we will look at this complex relationship at close quarters.

Be there for yourself

Your relationship with yourself is one that you can rely on and trust for sure. I often wonder what makes it so difficult for people to choose themselves over others. What makes them punish themselves by not prioritising their own needs? What is the obsession of sacrificing everything for someone else’s happiness? Well, I have done all of the above and made myself absolutely miserable at different stages of my life. I have always had a haloed sense of responsibility, which made me put my duty before personal happiness. Soon the word ‘duty’ was replaced by ‘people’ in my life. And everyone took precedence over me. My parents, my extended family, my friends – their needs became more urgent than mine. 

When you are travelling by air, the air hostess gives you instructions before the flight takes off. She specifically mentions that in case the oxygen levels in the cabin drops, an oxygen mask will fall from the case above and you are expected to pull it toward you and wear it. Most importantly you have to wear it yourself first before helping your child or neighbour. The logic behind this is simple – unless you are safely breathing yourself, how can you help others breathe? The concept of self-love is similar to this. You have to love and respect yourself before you can do that to others. Whatever you seek outside is already present within you. If you are complete and happy with yourself, you won’t seek attention from others or crave their company to dispel your boredom.

For you, the only person who is totally dependable is yourself, and probably the Divine (if you believe).

I have been a loner since childhood. Like any other human being, I sought the company of others to get rid of this loneliness. I tried to ‘fit in’ with others to fill this void inside me. In this process, I have allowed people to bully and insult me, to the point of ill-treating me. I let them do these things to me because I was not my priority. The day I became the centre of my own universe and realised the power of self-love, no one had the guts to ill-treat me.

Difference between self-love and ego

Self-love is not to be mistaken for ego. Self-love will help you understand your own worth and thereby realise that each human being has his/her worthiness, too. So, if you are freely insulting others under the guise of self-love, understand that it is not. You merely have an exaggerated ego. If you are using the concept of self-love to justify your selfishness and lack of respect for other relationships, this feeling won’t last long. You might end up being sad and lonely.

Just because you have understood the idea of self-love doesn’t mean you are unjust toward people. It is said that when you are in love with yourself, it is a romance for lifetime. You become compassionate towards self and others. It is a state of higher consciousness, which I have always sensed as something that comes only by healing your wounds and shedding the baggage of karma from this life and past lives.

Being my own best friend, spending time alone and priortising myself has become the way of life for me now. I am sure a lot is still in store for my relationship with myself. My dear teacher Dr Newton told me once, “Your journey is from being lonely to be alone.” I finally choose it and life is good.

Today is my father’s birthday. I dedicate this blog to my father – the first man in my life that I have looked up to with unconditional love and the one who taught me self-love and how to have a healthy relationship with myself.

Reflection of the unhealed parts of human beings – a global perspective

Spiritualists believe that human beings are born with unresolved and unhealed issues. In fact these issues are the real reason for our birth. They are a kind of baggage that each one of us has to bear. There are ways in which we can lessen the weight of this baggage, or even shed it, and yet instead of finding the right way to do so, we keep on piling more weight onto this baggage and lug it around endlessly. We get caught in our own vicious cycle.

The Universe, Nature, Divine or Universal Consciousness, whatever you wish to call it, has been attempting to help us to address these unhealed parts of our consciousness. However, we have been ignoring the signs and are being willfully stubborn in breaking this cycle. This push-and-pull with Divine Consciousness has been spanning for eons. Just like a school teacher boxing the ears of an errant child, the Universe decided to pull us
by our ear so that we could listen to her warnings. And she chose the year 2020 to box humanity’s ears!

We who are alive and are witnessing this transformation in 2020 are lucky to learn wisdom from Nature. It is indeed time to listen to what the Universe trying to convey us. All of us have been learning some hard lessons throughout the year and the month of December is the month for our final assessment. A grand finale, if you will! Along with the joys of winters and Christmas, we have several astrological changes, realisations, completion of incomplete jobs and healing to undergo.

All of us have experienced the unhealed parts within us during this year. Our social life, careers, relationships, academic performance, finances, love life and inner self have witnessed drastic changes. In one of the very limited experiences of human history, the entire world has been affected by a single phenomenon. That in itself says a lot about healing! The time to heal yourself completely is now. If you won’t do it now, there might not be another chance for you. You might have very little choice in the matter. You have already accepted the fact that change is inevitable, the ‘new normal’ is here to stay, so why not accept the idea of healing the unhealed parts and embrace the process? We can choose to heal and evolve or we can postpone it and keep asking the Universe for help. In the latter scenario, the Universe will keep showing us more and more difficult paths towards healing. Isn’t it then logical to accept the former option?

Look within, work without

Every day as you hear news from around the world, your knee jerk reaction is to look for a scapegoat to pin the blame on. For a change, look at you reflection in the mirror and try to find the answers. Instead of blaming others, ask yourself what is there to learn? What part of me still is unhealed? What part of me needs peace? Who am I angry at? Am I doing
everything with integrity? Am I choosing to forgive? Have I accepted the situations in my life? What you ask yourself, the way you ask these questions and the inferences you draw will have a major impact on the learning you imbibe from your experiences and world events.

The shift in consciousness started way back in 2012. But, did we do anything to align to it? The events of 2020 have made us sit up and notice this shift. However, no one can force us to align to it; we have to do it on our own accord.

As a guide or life coach, I clearly see that people are wounded and they need healing. They need love. It’s high time we take responsibility for the situation and choose love, humanity, integrity and wisdom.

As the dominant species of the planet we owe it to our home. We need to heal ourselves and this healing will reflect in the healing of the planet, too. Peace and beauty are an intrinsic part of Mother Nature; let us bring these qualities back to Earth and make it a beautiful home for all living beings. Let’s make this unhealed planet and peaceful loving globe which is a beautiful place for all to live.