Are you as intrigued with these two terms as the rest of the world? Read on to know more about them.
Romantic movies and novels idealise them. They talk about how to find them in your real lives. And when you do, don’t let them go. Yes, we are talking about soul mates. Soul mates have been a topic of obsession for quite some time. However, today people’s attention is caught by another concept – Twin Flame. In this blog, I shall attempt to differentiate between the two concepts and offer more clarity on each.
When love runs deep
A Soul Mate is not necessarily a romantic partner. Any human being (sometimes even a living thing such as a pet or plant) who is part of your soul contract is your Soul Mate. Any person with whom you feel a bond or a connection or attimes you are attracted to, without any connection, is also a soul mate. Soul Mates are usually not harmful or toxic.But my understanding of how they work has shown that if we don’t learn certain lessons on time, a Soul Mate can turn into a teacherand give us a much-needed lesson via a difficult relationship.
As per its definition, your best friend, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your spouse or even your own child can be a soul mate.
One soul, two bodies
The term Twin Flame sounds so romantic,doesn’t it? Sorry to disappoint you but it’s not always all chocolates and roses for Twin Flames!
They seem to defy the scientific law of ‘opposites attract.’ They are intensely similar to each other and are yet attracted toward each otherwith a magnetic force. One soul in two bodies is the correct way to describe Twin Flames. You may hate your Twin Flame yet at the same time you cannot love anyone else as your true love is tied to your Twin Flame. After having observed Twin Flame relationships in great detail, I have realised that every soul has a Twin Flame – one half of a soul resides in another body. However, their level of activation or awareness may differ as they evolve in their lives or pass through various stages of reincarnation.
Evolving in love
When both halves of the soul are ready to serve a higher purpose, only then do they take birth in the same time line and meet. Several schools of thought globally are debating on this topic and every understanding of the subject is unique. I personally feel no two stories of Twin Flames can be similar. Every twin soul has its own new content, emotions, beginning and end. This relationship is often your biggest mirror and greatest teacher. It is also said that when Twin Flames merge, they lead to a divine purpose as they meet for a mission not just for love, romance and marriage. Twin Flames are already bound in sacred matrimony. To me, marriage means accepting you and the whole of you as you are. That is exactly what Twin Flamesmarriage is all about!
The similarity between Twin Flames resides at the blueprint level. They mirror each other and in the process heal themselves and overcome their personal challenges. That’s how they are able to activate their original blueprint. Their relationship is sacred and it is like living in the fifth dimension. But this happens only after they heal and face all their deep-rooted issues.
It has been said by enlightened masters that from Year 2012 onward, the time for Twin Flames to reunite has started, since our beautiful Earth is going through a major shift. As evolving individuals, we need to see examples of a divine marriage as karmic relations are slowlybreaking down. To summarise the difference between Soul Mates and Twin Flames –you can have several Soul Mates but only one Twin Flame.
Very clear distiction 😊